Buy one, get one 50% off. Use code SPOOKYSOUND through 10/31.



Where do you ship?

We ship throughout the US and Canada.

What does shipping cost?

The shipping cost is automatically calculated when you enter your address through the website. Our primary shipping provider is the US Postal Service.

When can I expect my order?

Orders are typically processed within one business day, two at most. The transit time for domestic orders is 2-5 business days and 1-3 weeks for international orders. You will receive tracking information as soon as your order has been shipped!

Returns & Order Cancellations

What is the return policy?

Satisfaction guaranteed! If you are unsatisfied with the product for any reason just send us an email at and we'll offer you a full refund within 100-days of purchase. 

What if I need to cancel my order?

Send us an email as soon as possible at and we’ll assist you as soon as we can. Please note that once a tracking number has been added we can no longer cancel the order.

Our customer service representatives are available weekdays from 12:00-4:00 EST.

Orders are not fulfilled on weekends.

What if I am experiencing difficulties with my order?

Email us at we are happy to help!


I love EAROS and the mission of protecting the world’s ears! How can I get involved?

Amazing! If you would like to become an official EAROS ambassador to help support this mission AND earn commissions through sales, please email us at and we can provide you with more information on how it works.

I run a loud venue and would like to better protect the ears of the employees and patrons inside without sacrificing their listening experience. How can I provide EAROS at my venue?

We’re glad to hear it! Our founder Ronnie Madra launched EAROS to help loud venues do more to create a safe listening environment. We’ve already partnered with many concerts, nightclubs, sports venues fitness studios, and beyond. Please contact our partnerships team at to learn more!

I am a retailer and would like to sell EAROS. How can I become a reseller?

We do work with a select group of retailers to help us reach more ears. Please send us an email at with more information about your retail operation and we’d be happy to explore a partnership!

Uses and Purposes

Are these good for Motorcycles?

Yes! EAROS SPORT was created for that purpose exactly. It reduces engine and road noise by 20 dB to protect your ears and better concentrate on riding, while still allowing you to hear traffic around you clearly. The product also tucks in flush against the ear so it fits really well under a helmet, unlike products that stick out of your ears. 

Are they effective for use at the shooting range?

NO. EAROS ONE has a Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) of 17 dB whereas EAROS SPORT has a Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) of 20 dB. For a loud shooting sports environment, you will likely want to use over-ear protection (i.e., earmuffs) but can be combined with EAROS for extra protection.

Are they waterproof?

No, EAROS acoustic filters are not recommended for showering or swimming, as they have an opening for sound to pass through which will not work properly if submerged in water.

Are they effective for manufacturing and construction types of work?

Yes they are effective! By protecting your ears while allowing you to hear sound clearly, EAROS empowers you to be more productive and safe in a loud work environment. Of course, we suggest you check with your safety manager to confirm that EAROS is the right product for your specific work environment. 

Are they effective and comfortable for sleeping?

While EAROS are not primarily designed for sleeping, we have had many customers use it to dampen noise but still hear an alarm clock while sleeping. EAROS sit flush against your ear making it more comfortable for side sleepers relative to products that stick out. Keep in mind that EAROS was not designed to block out noise completely, so if you want complete silence it’s likely not the best choice.

Do they work for singers?

EAROS acoustic filters work better than other hearing protection for singers, as their design enables less of the "occlusion effect" (booming sound of your own voice).

Can you still hear conversations with these in?

Yes indeed! EAROS reduces the noise you experience while still enabling you to hear the sound around you with better clarity than with other hearing protection products.

Can I gift EAROS to a friend?

EAROS makes a great gift! During the checkout process, you’ll also have the opportunity to include a personalized note to the recipient. All orders come in premium packaging that makes for a great unboxing experience. 


How does EAROS high-fidelity hearing protection work?

High-fidelity hearing protection works by reducing the volume of loud sounds without distorting their clarity, allowing you to hear a full range of frequencies at a lower, safer level. Unlike traditional earplugs, which often muffle sound, EAROS have advanced acoustic filters that lower noise evenly across all frequencies. This ensures that you can still hear speech, music, and environmental sounds clearly, but at reduced volume levels that protect your ears from damage caused by prolonged exposure to loud noise.

Essentially, they maintain the natural quality of the sound while providing effective hearing protection.

What makes EAROS acoustic filters so much better than traditional foam "earplugs"?

We spent multiple years designing, testing, and redesigning EAROS to be the best high-fidelity hearing protection device on the market, and a far better solution for those who work in, and frequent loud recreational environments. The core product pillars that differentiate EAROS from foam earplugs are as follows:

1) Sound Quality: Foam earplugs muffle and distort sound. EAROS acoustic filters maintain sound quality, allowing you to enjoy music, communicate with those around you and stay immersed in the sound.

2) Protection: While foam earplugs often have a high NRR rating, they can be quite difficult to insert properly, resulting in less protection than advertised. EAROS have a unique “concha tab” that locks in place, ensuring proper depth of insertion so you can count on getting the protection you need.

3) Comfort: Foam earplugs are difficult to insert and have a high “occlusion effect” (feeling like you’re underwater). EAROS have a left-right orientation and are contoured to fit the shape of your ears comfortably. We use a soft, silicone-like material for the eartips to ensure there is no irritation even for extended uses.

4) Style: Foam earplugs stick out of your ears and are goofy-looking, compromising your personal style.  EAROS is a sleek, discreet product that looks more like a high-tech wearable than traditional hearing protection so you can be proud to be seen wearing it.

5) Sustainability: Earplugs are a single-use, disposable product that damages the environment every time you buy another pair. In fact, billions are produced and thrown away each year. EAROS, on the other hand, is a high-quality, durable, and reusable product that comes with a carrying pouch so you can reuse it many times over and help the environment.

Bottom line, EAROS are not earplugs since they do not block sound, but rather filter out noise. After all, who wants to "plug" their ears while trying to enjoy an immersive sensory experience?

Where are EAROS manufactured?

We manufacture the product at an ISO 9000 Certified facility in the USA (just outside New York City) using medical-grade materials.

Do they come in different sizes?

Yes, each pair of EAROS includes two sizes of ear tips and a pair of foam tips. The small size comes pre-installed on the product. The foam tips are included for ear canals that are too small or large for the tiered tips, or for those who prefer their comfort. The foam tips do not affect the noise reduction as sound passes through the product, not the the tips.

Do they come with a carrying case?

They sure do! You’ll find a handy carrying pouch made of ocean-recycled materisls at the bottom of the box so you can take your EAROS wherever you go.

What is the right way to insert and wear EAROS?

You'll find a quick insert guide as well as full instructions inside the box, but wearing EAROS is easy -- just Identify (left vs. right), insert, and twist to lock. Here's a quick video demonstrating how the product looks when inserted and worn properly. You can also pull up and back on your ear with the opposite hand while inserting to help open the ear canal.

How long does EAROS last?

Ear tips should be changed every 6-12 months depending on wear and tear. The main body should last around 2 years. We recommend cleaning the product regularly.

If you need more ear tips, email us at and we are happy to send you complimentary replacements if you simply cover the cost of shipping.

How do you clean them?

To clean your EAROS, we recommend removing the eartip and using a damp cloth or q-tip to clean it, ideally after each use.

How do I know it will fit in my ear?

EAROS is designed to fit most ears and it comes with small and large tip sizes. If you are having any trouble with your fit, please contact us at We have a 100% satisfaction guaranteed policy.

Do EAROS come with extra ear tips, and can I order additional?

Each pair of EAROS comes with two ear tip sizes, small and large, and a foam tip option. We are currently working on selling ear tips separately. In the meantime, please email us at to request complimentary replacements for just the cost of shipping.

How do I swap out tips?

To remove the small eartip (which is attached to the product when you receive it) simply hold the "concha tab" (the wing-shaped portion of the product with the slash mark on it) with one hand, and pull on the eartip with the other hand, and it should snap right off from the shaft. Don't worry about pulling too hard -- the product is highly durable so it won't break. To attach the large eartip, first make sure to identify the "Left" and "Right" tips, looking for the small "L" and "R" embossed in black on them. You'll then slide each tip onto the respective "Left" and "Right" shaft and keep sliding it and twisting it down until the embossed "L"/"R" on the tip is lined up with the "L"/"R" on the concha tab.

How well does EAROS stay in place?

EAROS is designed to lock securely in your ear so it will not come loose even when you are dancing, chewing, putting on a helmet, and living an active lifestyle. The patented "concha tab" tucks flush against your ear to ensure the proper depth of insertion and prevent it from coming loose, unlike other products that stick straight out of your ears.

How pronounced is the "occlusion effect" with EAROS (i.e., hearing your own voice boom in your head when you talk)?

The “occlusion effect” is less pronounced with EAROS than with other hearing protection devices. This is achieved by having a deeper insertion, which has been shown to lessen this effect.

How do I know if it’s loud enough to need EAROS?

Check out the free EAROS app for iPhone! The app measures the decibel level in your environment and provides guidance on how long you can safely remain there without EAROS and with EAROS. It is currently available for iPhone in the App Store (the Android version is undergoing an update currently — stay tuned for news on that).

Is there a battery or charger needed?

No batteries, charging, or electronics required! EAROS use passive technology and our patented design to reduce the decibel level you experience in loud environments while providing a premium listening experience, so you can enjoy concerts, nightclubs, sporting events, and any loud environment in a safer, healthier way!

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