Achieve the Perfect Fit

Step-by-Step Guide to Wearing EAROS Properly

To experience the full benefits of EAROS—protecting your hearing while maintaining clear, natural sound—it’s essential to wear them correctly.

1. Identify & Align

Identify left and right.

Hold your EAROS so that the tabs point to the back of your ear.

2. Pull up & Insert

Gently lift the top of your ear to open the canal better while you place the EAROS tip into your ear canal. Press it in firmly enough to create a proper seal. 

A good seal is essential for noise reduction—if it feels loose, try adjusting it slightly deeper.

3. Twist and Lock

Twist the tab down into your outer ear while you press the tip into your ear canal.

You’ll know you have a good seal if:

  1. Outside noise is significantly reduced, but not completely blocked.
  2. Voices and music remain clear but at a safer volume.
  3. Your EAROS stays in place even with movement.

If you can still hear too much ambient noise or if the earplug feels too loose, adjust and reinsert until you get a snug fit.

Don't give up-- It may take a few tries to get it right!

Still can't get a good fit?

We understand that every ear is unique. If your fit isn’t quite right, we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee and will refund anyone we accepted money from who is not satisfied with our product for any reason.